
Radio Oncology Department

Modern radiodiagnosis complements clinical expertise in diagnosing and staging cancer and other diseases. Chirayu Cancer hospital and Chirayu Medical College's Radiodiagnosis department boasts a dedicated team of professionals, offering a full range of diagnostic imaging services including CR, MMG, USG, Color Doppler, Multi slice CT, PET-CT, Gamma camera and MRI. The department also contributes to post-graduate education, technician courses, and clinical research.

Radiation Oncology is the use of ionizing radiation alone or combined with other treatments to manage cancer and other diseases. Radiation damages the DNA of cells, and its effectiveness varies based on tumor type.

Radiation Therapy

Radiation Therapy uses targeted energy, such as X-rays, gamma rays, electrons, and radioactive substances, to destroy cancer cells and alleviate cancer-related symptoms. Its goals are to cure cancer or relieve symptoms, sometimes used in combination with surgery or chemotherapy.


  • PET- scan: Our oncology department facilitates positron emission tomography (PET) scan, an imaging test that produces images of your organs and tissues at work. The test uses a safe, injectable radioactive chemical called a radiotracer and a device called a PET scanner. The scanner detects diseased cells that absorb large amounts of the radiotracer, which indicates a potential health problem. It helps to diagnose cancer and assess cancer treatment. They can also assess certain heart and brain issues with the scan.
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the whole body is performed in our department on the GE HDxt 1.5 Tesla. The majority of MR imaging studies are of the brain, head, neck, spine and musculo-skeletal system; followed by MR imaging of the abdomen and pelvis, breast and other specialized investigations like MR Cholangio-pancreatography, cisternography and myelography. MR studies of the pelvic organs, especially the uterus and cervix, and of the prostate are also carried out. MR Angiography of abdominal, neck and intracranial blood vessels as well as of musculoskeletal system is also performed whenever indicated.MR Proton Spectroscopy is employed in selected cases for evaluation of brain tumours or other lesions, in pre op assessment of certain brain tumors and to aid surgeons in surgical planning. With its exquisite soft tissue contrast, MR is the imaging modality of choice to investigate cancers of the various parts of body.
  • Computerized Tomography (CT Scan): Multi-slice CT scan is one of the most potent tools for the early detection, diagnosis and treatment planning of cancer. CT scanning of the whole body is carried out on the 16 slice scanner, which is capable of obtaining 16 slices per rotation of the x-ray tube. Dual / Triple phase contrast enhanced scans, Dynamic scans, CT Angiography, and 3D reformations are carried out wherever applicable. Multiplanar reformatted images are routinely obtained on the diagnostic workstations to aid in the diagnostic interpretation of the CT scans.
  • Ultrasound services The Ultrasonography department is equipped with high resolution Ultrasound machines which contribute to the high level of confidence of the Radiologist for evaluation of the lesions and serve as excellent guiding tools for the various Diagnostic and Therapeutic procedures. All ultrasound machines as well as operators are registered under PCPNDT act. Sex determination is not performed in our department.Three machines are used for the diagnostic purposes to carry out various ultrasound examinations of the abdomen, pelvis and small parts, as well as intracavitary (transrectal and transvaginal) examinations.. The 3D Application further helps to better understand relations of the lesion with organs in the vicinity and the Biopsy Attachment helps in precisely targeting the lesion.
  • Color Doppler: The Color Doppler scanners are extensively used to assess the vascularity of the tumors. The arterial and venous Doppler examinations are carried out for the evaluation of patients with associated peripheral Vascular Diseases and screening as well as diagnosis of the Deep Venous Thrombosis. A registry is maintained in the Ultrasound section for the patients with Venous Thromboembolic Disease as a part of the Thrombosis Management Group Activity.
  • Digital Mammography provides high-quality images with minimal radiation.
  • Routine radiography In addition to routine radiography of the chest, abdomen and bones, a large number of specialized procedures(Orthopantomograms) as well as procedures employing contrast media such as Barium studies, intravenous urography (IVU), Cysto-urethrograms, Angiograms, Sialograms, etc are carried out in the Radiodiagnosis department. All routine radiography is performed using the Computed Radiography (CR) and Digital Radiography (DR) systems and the radiographs of chest, bones, etc., as well as contrast procedures are acquired in the digital format and stored in the PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System). With the use of Digital Radiography system, x-rays are immediately seen on the monitor of DR and can be viewed immediately by the treating physicians and aid them in patient care. The reporting of these investigations is done directly on the high resolution Workstation Monitors (soft copy reporting).
  • Guided Intervention procedure: USg & Ct guided procedures are done, which include FNC, Biopsy and aspiration of pleural and ascitic fluid.
  • Emergency Services: We offer a range of diagnostic/non-invasive and invasive services, including X-rays, Ultrasonography (USG), colour doppler, CT scans, CT angiograms, USG-guided procedures, CT-guided procedures.